On June 6, 2016, the Delaware Supreme Court affirmed Cahill Gambino LLP‘s multi-million dollar, class action verdict won in the Delaware Court of Chancery. Fox v. CDX Holdings Inc. (f/k/a Caris Life Sciences, Inc.), C.A. No. 8031-VCL, 2015 Del Ch. Lexis 194 (Del Ch. Jul. 28, 2015) aff’d 141 A.3d 1037 (Del. 2016). Cahill Gambino won the verdict on behalf of the former option holders of Caris Life Sciences, Inc. (“Caris”) whose options were eliminated as part of a forced option repurchase. The verdict and ultimate resolution resulted in a total recovery on behalf of the Option Holders of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000). As the option holders were only a small percentage of Caris’ equity ownership, Cahill Gambino had to prove the valuations used by the corporation undervalued the assets at issue by over $200 million. The victory was unusual for not only its size but that it issued from the prominent Delaware Chancery Court. See Matt Levine, "Judge Won’t Let Medical Company Sell Itself Short," Bloomberg, (July 29, 2015).
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